Software steps


  • Computer


  • materialsfor


X-OSC setup

Turn on the X-OSC either by turning on the PushPull (if already inserted), or by adding a battery/usb connection and join the X-OSC’s ad-hoc network.

Point your browser to the IP address

and fill in the following details:

OSC remote IP 57120

    pin 1 serial
    pin 2 serial

    pin 1 RGB

   pin 1 (serial capsense)
    baud rate    115200
    buffer size  128
    timeout      16
    framing byte 10

  pin 2 (serial buttons and encoder)
    baud rate    115200
    buffer size  128
    timeout      16
    framing byte 10

IMU         50 Hz

You can either use the PushPull in ad-hoc network mode or with a dedicated router (advised) and WiFi network. For this you have to configure the X-OSC accordingly.

The following configuration worked for us:

On computer

Configure IPv4: Manually
    Select an IP address between .10 and .99:
IP address:
Subnet mask: 
Router:         <empty>


IP address:

On your computer, connect to WiFi (or alternatively via ethernet) with the same credentials as given for the X-OSC boards. Select either a static unique IP address, or wait a bit to get one assigned from the X-OSC DHCP server. A static IP is preferable, since it means you can send messages to other computers as well (for which you only need to know their IP address).

Install Software

Using the implementation of PushPull requires basic knowledge in SuperCollider. If in doubt, please ask your local guru, contact us for a workshop, or write your own software in a language of your choice.

TODO: add contact information.

The SuperCollider program for PushPull.

PushPull’s software is based on SuperCollider. Download it from github.

The PushPull quark contains the source code to get you started with PushPull. It contains dependencies to required quarks, among others:

  • Modality is an extension that allows to build highly personalised electronic instruments that share a common code interface, and
  • MeTA is a lightweight extension to create SuperCollider performance frameworks.

You can install this from within SuperCollider by evaluating


This should also take care of dependencies. If it fails, add them manually by evaluating


Finally, clone or download the PushPull performance barebone from its github repository. The main file is main-PushPull.scd.


PushPull uses the MeTA framework to organise patches. Open the file main-PushPull.scd and evaluate the code in the brackets. If you want to get lower-level access, have a look at the help-files for the classes PushPullOSC_SE and PushPullOSC. A parser for the capsense board (if connected directly to the computer via serial-USB) is implemented in the class CapSense.